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About The Designer


   When I started design school, I wanted to go into the eveningwear field because I was drawn to the high level of detail that goes into each garment. However, over the course of my studies I no longer felt this was the right fit for me. Instead, I found myself drawn to activewear for many reasons.

First, activewear is a garment that isn’t just designed for aesthetic, but more importantly for performance and comfort. As a designer I love the challenge of creating for activewear. You have to think of every detail and scenario a garment will face and, how it will outperform competitor comparisons. Considerations such as: does the fabric need to be waterproof, rip-resistant, sweat wicking? Is the length of the garment appropriate so the user won’t chafe? How can it be constructed to last longer? Unlocking these puzzles with functional designs ignites my creativity and is where I find my inspiration.

Not only do I personally love activewear because I love the outdoors, but I love activewear brands because they too love the outdoors and want to protect it. Activewear brands are leading the movement for practicing and improving sustainability. This is one of the critical things I learned during my college years. I feel my most important contribution as a designer of the next generation is to be aware of the impact we are making on our world and community. It is vital to me to be part of a company that is conscious of that.

And most importantly, activewear apparel produces garments that our consumers develop a personal attachment to. Not only do our customers choose to express themselves through our clothing; they also choose these pieces – and by extension, our brand - to be their companions on their adventures. These creations hold the memories of that first time she stood up on her surfboard, of bringing her furry friend to the beach to play fetch, or that much needed weekend getaway trip with the girls. To me, the most important impact we make as a designer is delighting our consumers and sharing in her adventures. 

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